Calls for 2025 ISCP courses initiates!
为进一步提高人才培养质量,拓宽学生国际视野,提升学生国际胜任力,学校于2016年开始举办暑期国际课程项目(International Summer Course Program, ISCP)。现启动2025年课程征集,面向全校各院部征集国际课程,并将有关事项通知如下:
With an attempt to further enhance students’ incubation quality, broaden their horizon and promote students’ global competence, China Pharmaceutical University has launched International Summer Course Program (ISCP)since 2016. Now calls for of 2025 courses begin.
Course requirement
An ISCP course should be taught in English by scholars from high-level universities or institutions. Attendees would be undergraduates.
ISCP course could either be a cutting-edge or introductory course in chemistry, biomedicine or other pharmacy-relevant fields, or a GE (General Education) course in arts, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, language, engineering, information technology, mathematics and statistics, etc.
An ISCP course could either be conducted online or face to face. Various teaching method (e.g. discussion session) and assessment modes (e.g. presentation, assignment) should be employed in an ISCP course so as to reflect advanced teaching philosophy from these prestigious universities. Meanwhile, students’ language proficiency and knowledge acquisition level should also be taken into consideration.
2025 ISCP will be run from 5th July to 11th July. It is highly recommended that a course be in the form of 16 lessons (1 credit) or 24 lessons (1.5 credits) with one teaching unit consisting of 2-3 lessons.
An ISCP course should combine lectures with discussions 20%-30% of its duration time, which involves discussion or other forms for students’ self-study. Students are recommended to exchange ideas and study in English. During the course, at least one time of group or personal presentation need be arranged.
Class size ranges from 30 to 60.
Collection: Each CPU school or department could determine the course to be applied by themselves, fill out the required information in Attachment 1 and 2, and submit all paper documents to 213, Administration Building with a soft copy sending to by 15th March.
Students’ Registration for a Course: Preliminary screening with panel of experts will be organized by Academic Affairs Office. Registration will open to students from May. Each student could only register one ISCP course.
Determination of ISCP course: Academic Affairs Office will determine whether an ISCP could be run by experts’ decision and its registration amount. A course with less than 30 registered students will open a second round of registration. If it still does not reach 30, the course will not be run.
Class Arrangement: Class will be arranged in accordance with schedule of lecturers, teaching content and number of students.
5.课程资料下发:助教应协助授课教师在EClass平台建课,在6月9日前上传课程资料, 以便学生预习。
Course documents: TA should assist lecturers in uploading relevant course documents to CPU Eclass before 9th June so that students could preview.
Visa of lecturers: Visa of lecturers will be managed by running schools or departments. It is highly recommended to invite lecturers on purpose of academic exchange or lectures.
Teaching: Reception and teaching affairs are in the charge of running units. Each course should be assigned with one TA, who is in charge of lecturers’ visa issue, flights booking, accommodation, teaching assistance (Q&A session, assignment correction, assessment) and reimbursement. TA should also submit students’ results within one week after the course finishes.
1. 按照学校有关财务规定为每门课程拨付课程建设费3.5-6.5万元,每门课的支撑经费以6.5万为上限。经费具体数额将根据课程教学模式下拨,一般为线上课程3.5万元/门,线下课程6.5万元/门。内容包括教师课酬(根据每门课的学时、开课班数计算)、往返机票(经济舱)、在宁期间的住宿费和伙食补贴,以及校内助教的教学补贴和教学过程中产生的其他费用等。已聘为我校兼职教授等职的,应扣除学校或部门已支付的交通和差旅费用。
According to the regulations formulated by the Office of Finance, 35,000-65,000 CNY will be allocated to each course, which include lecture fee (Calculated in accordance with course teaching mode), round trip air tickets (Economy Class), accommodation fee in Nanjing, TA’s teaching subsidy and any other fees generated during the teaching process. For tutors who have a part-time job in CPU, relevant transportation fees which have been paid by CPU should be deducted.
2. 机票订购
Booking of air ticket
The round trip ticket should be an economy class one. A flight run by China’s airlines is recommended
※注:需保留登机牌,扣款的银行账单,蓝联(如购买的为国内航空公司的航班,需要保留此联)以及行程单(itinerary) ,细节详询计财处
Tip: Please save the boarding pass, billcheck from the Bank, blue copy(If the flights is run by a China airline), and itinerary (Details could ask Office of Finance)
3. 外国专家各项费用参考标准
Fees standards of foreign tutors for reference
项目 Item | 参考标准 Standard |
住宿费: Housing | 600元/天(按实际上课天数加1日计算,住四星及以下酒店) 600 CNY/day (according to the teaching day+1 day, 4-star or hotels below 4-stars)
伙食费: Catering | 300元/天(按实际上课天数加1日计算) 300 CNY/day (calculated according to the teaching day+1 day) |
课时费(税前): Lecture Fee (pre-tax) | 1000元/课时 1000 CNY/ hour |
交通补贴 subsidies | 100元/天(按实际上课天数加1日计算) 100 CNY/day (calculated according to the teaching day+1 day) |
本校助教津贴: TA subsidies | 100元/课时(按实际参与教学的课时数计) 100 CNY/hour (calculated according to the actual time)
机票: Flight Fee | 按学校规定,优先报销国内公司国际航线经济舱机票 The round trip ticket should be an economy class one. A flight run by China’s airlines is recommended
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact SUN Tian in Academic Affairs Office (86-25-86185202,
附件1:Attachment 1
附件2:Attachment 2